Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why Joseph has a holey mommy!

J and I have been joking lately that I am full of holes!!

Think about it, I have been getting PIO injections 2xweek for the last 28 weeks in my backside!

I have been poking myself 4xday for glucose monitoring for the last 6 weeks!

Lots of blood draws - too many to count! Progesterone draws every two weeks, regular draws for pregnancy, and all the GTT for GD!

And today, got a gloriously less painful flu shot in the arm. I think the nurse was suprised I did not wince in pain.

So lets add that up -

56 pio shots
168 finger pricks
1 flu shot
20 (minimum) draws for blood - progesterone and regular prenatal ones

Grand Total:
One HOLEY momma!!!
One Healthy baby boy!!!
One happy daddy!!!
= One very happy family!!!

In all honestly, I love being Joseph's mommy, holes and all!


  1. I love that all of your holes made the flu shot no biggie! Grow Joseph grow!

  2. Holey Cow! :) Keep growing baby!!

  3. This is so great, and what a great thing to tell/show Joseph one day!!!

  4. Beautifully put! Holy and Holey full of a WHOLE lot of love. (I got your note today! Thank you so much. I'd love to get together next week!!!)

  5. Love it! I think we all understand the "holey"ness.
