Saturday, October 16, 2010


I am sick.

Last night all of the sudden around 9 pm, I started to get a slight temp, sore throat, and sinus headache & pressure (head cold symptoms). I think the nurses and doctors lied to me when they said there were no side effects to that darn flu shot. I mean, how can that just come up all of the sudden. So far, I took a tylenol last night and one this morning but the slight temp returns and I don't want to take too much. It was not a good nights rest, but I did get a few hours that felt somewhat restful.

I had made plans to go with a friend to a tea her church was hosting (St. Joseph Church - I felt a kinship just being there :)) entitled "The Power of Prayer & Chocolate" and I ventured out thinking that this little cold will run its course and was just some side effect of the vaccince shot. Yet, at the end, I felt like I was breaking a fever and immediatley came home. I stopped at McDonalds and got me supper because I just knew I could not cook. How sad is that? I now am planning to head to bed after this and have a cold rag on my head. My husband is out of town, so at least I can wallow in self-pity. The sore throat is barely there anymore, thank goodness, but I am wary of taking too much tylenol. I am trying to space it out and am only taking one at a time. What is awful is that this feels like a summer cold because it is still warm outside and not feeling like fall today.

I have so many thoughtful and inspiring thoughts from my day, but can barely think clearly.

I found out that getting side effects like the ones I have from the shot are somewhat common, so it should clear up quickly, but it makes you wonder if you feel miserable how is it affecting your precious baby?

Hope you all are feeling great and enjoying your weekend!!!


  1. I'm sorry you feel icky. I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Sorry you are feeling lousy. My understanding of the flu shot side effects is that they are actually just an immune response to the dead virus. It's not that you are actually ill, your body just behaves as if it is as it is building immunity to the virus.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better tomorrow. And I'm sure your baby is just fine. They are so resilient!

  4. :( Hope you feel better. I've never had the flu shot so I have no idea, but I have heard of these side effects. Hope it goes quickly.

  5. I am sorry you are not feeling well! I am sure your little man is fine. :) I hope you feel better soon. I know I've said it before, but I cannot believe how close you are to meeting him face to face!!!

  6. sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

    usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup ( ) which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application.

    i hope it works on you as well.

  7. Ahhh Man, why did you get the flu shot?

    I've never had it and never gotten the flu..>Watch me eat my words this year! hahaha

  8. Sew,

    My doctor strongly suggested it. Who knows I might have been a victim of over-aggressive medical care, but there was a young woman that was in her 3rd trimester last year that got the flu/h1n1 and she spent about 6 weeks in the hospital barely making it and her baby and her ended up doing fine, but I remember her family being very scared. Where I worked at the time, we prayed for this family daily and apparently she was the same patient my doctor was referring to when she was relaying to me the importance of not wanting to contract the flu during this time of pregnancy. I originally declined it, but talked to my husband and we both felt that it was a good precaution to take. In my defense, the doctor and nurse told me that they also had it and had no side effects. Oh well, maybe this is just a really bad cold.

    I am making progress and feeling a bit better, but it is slow. The sore throat is better and the fever has pretty much stayed away, all that is left is carrying a large box of kleenex :)

    Hope you don't have to eat your words!

    Thanks ladies for all your suggestions and your words of comfort.

  9. I really was just wondering because I have another OB appointment at the end of october and I have no clue what to do.....? :)

  10. Hope you're feeling better! This has definitely not made me look forward to my flu shot this week.

  11. I also got the flu shot on Friday morning. I think its probably a good idea since we are in the class of vulnerables for it ... Also, my Dr. told me she had a patient actually die of the flu last year. (scary!)

    Anyways, I am SO sorry you are not feeling well. I hope and pray this passes VERY soon.
