Thursday, October 28, 2010


I feel like this past weekend I experienced a huge shift in how I have been feeling. For the most part, I am still doing pretty well, just learning what it feels like to really experience the uncomfortable stages of this miracle pregnancy! I was fortunate for so long to not pack on the weight, which is now just a growing number and I feel like there is so much fluid in my belly surrounding this growing boy that I can't do some of the same things I am accustomed to doing. These are not far fetched things, I am simply talking about bending over to dig a pot out of the cabinet or simply putting on my socks and shoes ;)

I have also been experiencing an extensive amount of indigestion and it doesn't matter what or when I eat! So my doctor gave me a script for nexium! I am so excited about this and am looking foward to not being miserable with indigestion nearly all day! I was starting to sleep with 3 pillows, just to be able to lay down without feeling sick.

Today was a big day! I had the first biophysical profile u/s. I was filled with anxiety! I am feeling like a woman of little faith when I am experiencing so much anxiety. Anyway, I was so thankful that the appointment went well. Joseph is looking good and got a score of 8 out of 8 for the test. We are starting the weekly visits so I pray that they all go as well as the one today.

So, I have an appointment Nov. 4, 11, & 15th! My new goal is to make it well through November.

I am looking foward to the baby shower on November 20th! I have been waiting for November for so long . . . then December will be here before we know it, PRAISE GOD!!!

All of this doesn't seem real until I begin to try to move! I got to see my spiritual director this week and she commented on my 'waddle'! Seriously, my hips began to spread this weekend and I was very concerned that the baby dropped and I thought it was happening way too early!

I was able to go to daily mass today and was so excited that I am able to experience the miracle of life in this amazing way . . . I never knew that it would one day happen, I just never gave up hope that this amazing dream would one day come true!


  1. I am so happy for you!! Keep us posted on all the appointments, etc.

  2. I get excited just thinking of how close you are getting to meeting Joseph face to face!!!!!

  3. I seriously can't believe how close we are to December! It seems like only yesterday it was Spring :)

  4. I enjoy reading your updates. They are very real - not downplaying the risks, but yet so very hopeful and JOYFUL! I am glad the biophysical went well! God Bless you and little Joseph!

  5. Wow..the time is flying by..glad to hear baby is healthy and you are doing well too. It's all so amazing. God Bless.
