Saturday, December 15, 2012

Dear Joseph

Dear Joseph,
Today was a big day for us, we had a fantastic day being together and while we shared love and laughter I watched you closely, wanting to remember everything about these wonderful days I share with you! Just last night we talked about having to wait for our prayers to be answered and you are the biggest answered prayer we have ever experienced and we love the miracle that you are in our lives!
When I watch you running and playing I sit in wonder as to how God could create so much goodness in one little body! You are kind, generous, gentle, and loving! You love to make others laugh and you love to dance in the most fantastic side to side jiggle motion! You are also a little head banger as you listen to fun songs with awesome beats! Speaking of music, you have a discerning ear for good music and once you find one you love, we listen to it for hours! A new favorite for you is "I am new" by Jason Gray and "c is for cookie!" You are such a funny eater but the last few days you have been eating more and eating healthy foods and this makes me so happy! I loved watching you eat your blueberries, enjoying every bite and asking for "more"!
Your vocabulary is explosive these days and I love to listen to you sweet little voice! Your favorite new word is "up"! You are starting I put together a few short phrases and I am secretly thrilled to learn more about your wants, needs, and likes! You are such a gift!
You love to go bye-bye! You are very modest and love to be dressed and very seldom walk around in just your diaper and t-shirt when it is just the two of us at home during the day! Other times I am having to wrestle you after your bath and lotion into a diaper and pj's! It is quite a challenge to dress you these days, you are very particular about fabrics and throw impressive dramatic tantrums when I try to put a long sleeved shirt or hoodie on you! It is sad that your are so discontent. In winter clothing!
You are just getting over a yucky cold and you are learning to potty in the toilet, whew you are a busy boy!
As you get close to celebrating your second birthday in a few hours, know that you don't even look lik a 2 year old, you are the size of a 4 year old! You are measuring in at 36.5 inches and 33.8 pounds!
One last thing, you have given up your pipe (the pacifier) and have started to like more books and you want me to sing to you every night until your eyes shut! Current fave: "Jesus, Jesus" and "Santa Claus is coming to town!"
Tomorrow when you wake up you will be 2! You are the best answered prayer - all-ways!
I will love you for ever!
Love, mommy
P.S. Daddy loved you more than words can even describe too! You are his favorite little man and you bring him joy all-ways!
P.P.S.- please stop mistreating Daisy, she is to nice to bite or scratch you and she really is not fond of wrestling with you! She likes it when you give her kisses and pet her gently!! Xoxoxo