Thursday, June 28, 2012


Yesterday I showed up to get the crown and they told me my root canal was not finished!! It was so painful, I cried, tears streaming in my ears as I am laid back in that dental chair! We were all surprised, the doctor felt horrible and the assistant just tried to comfort me while they gave me more meds! It was horrible but once I left ibuprofen did the trick to ease the pain.

As if shuffling back and forth to the dentist office with three boys is not enough drama, we will add to it by having the big boys mom very ill in a hospital across town. She had a stroke on Saturday morning and it turned out that she was bright back to life during the trauma! She is now in stable condition with her heart but started to exhibit very strange behavior and they had to move her to a protected area and began treating her for bipolar issues! It is all so sad. The boys saw her Sunday and have not asked about her since. The visit was strange then and she was acting like herself during that time.

Joseph is doing well, sleeping now, thank goodness! He is so much fun these days! He is trying to say so many things and he is now singing 'row, row your boat' and 'baa baa black sheep'. It is so cute and he get a huge grin when singing it!

Jessy has been sick with a sinus infection and just plain tired from working so hard for our family! I admire him so much and am so thankful for the man that he is for us and for God!
We will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary on Sunday! To his great satisfaction he remembered and I did not!!!
And because I love to post photos, here are a few-

We took some pictures over the weekend, I love this one! This was the photographer's fb sneak peek!

The need to drive comes early!

Cool dude!

Coloring!! He loves it, me too!

All done!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Sorry about the rough parts this week; but the pictures are very cute!

  2. Oh no, what an ordeal! Hope you're feeling better.

  3. Ouch! That is not good. I love the pics though. Very blessed :)
