Sunday, June 10, 2012

Little shopper

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Joseph is at that stage where you can barely get 5 minutes in the store before he is clamoring to be held and out of the cart. Today, his dad was with us and the store was nearly empty, so we let him walk a bit down the aisles and a few minutes after grabbing something I noticed he took over the cart! He was was beaming with pride!!! It was precious, sometimes I am so thankful to have the phone with a camera. The sweet clerk just adored him and the feeling was mutual for him ;) He is quite the flirt, goodness we are in trouble with this one! He kept quite a few people entertained while we checked out as he babbled to everyone he saw, I love that he has not inherited my super introverted self.


  1. Big helper. :) I love this helping stage.

  2. Some grocery stores have little shopping carts that small children can push themselves. They're so cute.

  3. Joseph's personality sounds absolutely adorable! He would capture my heart immediately if I saw him "shopping" in the store!
