Sunday, May 6, 2012

Some like it cold!

The last few days have been filled with highs and lows, which are typical having a home filled with a recovering 16 month old and two teens who test their limits, but I just want to focus on the positives!

Joseph is adoring popsicles these days and it must make those six teeth that grew in at once feel so much better!


We are 60% of the way done with the ear drops!

Begging God to make this little boy fully healthy!  I am so amazed that he can go from screaming crying in protest/pain from the drops to loving kisses and happy smiles so quickly!

The big boys are making strides in learning to develop their conscience.  Realizing that you are choosing your consequences has been a big deal around here and so when the oldest one got off of his punishment today, he spent four hours straight outside in the sunshine and kept his water bottle handy so he would not need to come in much Winking smile  The younger one is still testing limits but we have a big heart to heart talk this evening after he got off the phone with his Mom.  I feel very grateful to God that He finds us worthy to care for their tired, sad souls but at the same time we just pray we are doing some good.  We really are not worthy!!

In three weeks the big boys will be out of school and we will soon be headed out for our vacation.  Don’t really see traveling as a ton of fun at this point but hoping it brings more bonding between us and the older guys!  So thankful that Joseph got the medical care he needed before we were planning to be away from home, maybe now he can enjoy himself a lot more!DSCN4240

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are all doing well!! Those boys are so lucky to have you in their lives. So glad Joseph's recovery is going well!
