Sunday, February 20, 2011


Yes, it apparently takes two trips to Penney's to get some good shots of our little munchkin.

It was nearly the most stressful thing we have done thus far. I nearly declined the opportunity to reschedule.

We took him yesterday for the appointment and were eager to get some cute nake.d butt pictures and then some family pictures. As I was getting ready in the bathroom, I overheard my husband telling Joseph "Do you know how long your Mommy has waited for this day?" It took my breath away!

Well, they ran late which meant he was not ready (full and with a clean diaper) so then he never really settled down into a mood for pictures, so we went back today and got a few more pictures. In the end, the photographer did well for what she had to work out. We saved a ton of money. I can't wait to get them in.

Please pray for my husband, he apparently has a stone bruise on his right foot and he stays on his feet all day long for work and is miserable. It came on at the strangest time and we hope it goes away sometime soon.


  1. I have heard the "horrors of JC Penney" story from a few moms. We didn't dare go. Oh, well...I only have 1 baby picture of myself...I came out okay.

    But, you are taking great photos yourself! Love these. Will you be keeping them up?

    Are you calling Joseph by his full name or has a nickname found itself into your life?

    Just asking 'cause my husband is Joseph. I love the name and adore the Saint!

  2. We are calling him Joseph. I dread the day when someone calls him "Joe" or "Joey" because my horns will come out :)

    just kidding! I keep my horns well hidden ;)
