Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2 months

Joseph is already two months.

I cannot believe it.

He is getting to be so much fun!

He is smiling so much and cooing all the time.

At the last visit to the doctor last Thursday, he was 11 lbs 5 oz!

Too bad his Daddy is sick and we spent the morning bringing him to the doctor! I do not know if it is our crazy weather, but all three of us had issues with fluid in the ears. At the end of January, I had ear problems, last Thursday Joseph had fluid in his ears and is still on meds for it, and now my husband has an ear infection.

I am ready for spring and good health!

Check out Joseph's two month picture on the sidebar!


  1. He is adorable! I LOVE this age. They still stay where you put them :)
    And great job on the weight gain!
