Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Doctor's Appt Tomorrow - today's update w/ Lab results

I am going to see my doctor tomorrow for my first ob appt. Thankfully I recently had a annual exam on March 10. J will be there with me and I keep praying that they will be able to see baby and possibly a heartbeat. We will find out a due date tomorrow, although I already have an idea it will be sometime around Christmas. I still don't have a whole lot of symptoms of early pregnancy and it still feels like this is not even real yet. I do get some pain or spasms a few times a day, but they tend to go away quickly. I keep feeling so unworthy to be at this stage. Despite the years of waiting, I have feelings of concern about sharing it with my close friends who have been unable to have conceive and carry a child. While I know they are happy for me and J, I can sense their longing for this dream to be fulfilled in their lives. I had a hard time sharing it with my aunt who always wanted children and who is now in her late forties and continues to have health problems in regard to her cycles. Yet, her joy was so great because she knew (and understood) the struggle we faced for eight years. She can't wait to meet our baby. I can't either. I never thought I would want to rush the nine months, but I am realizing how much trust I am going to have to exercise in the next nine months. I need to trust that the nine months will come and go and the baby will be healthy and I will do okay in childbirth. I am worrying way too much. I keep thinking that every day is one day closer to meeting our little one. Now that I am feeling better, I am gaining more confidience that God is in control and I AM NOT! Thank goodness, bc I mess things up all the time. HAHA. Thank you so much for your continued support and prayers. I prayed for all of us in front of the tabernacle this morning. I know that God heard my prayers!
We saw the doctor today and it seems I am a little too early on in the pregnancy to see much. They did say my lining looked perfect and we saw a very small black spot on the ultrasound that the doctored said was probably where the baby is growing and then he sent me in for more blood work. I know all the people at the lab now. The probably all know my dob by heart. The fun thing we learned today is that my due date is December 26! That is according to lmp. I think it will be a few days later bc I tend to peak later than the normal person. Overall, there was nothing negative about the appt today so I was happy. There is lots to be thankful for, especially for all of your prayers! Just got a call from the nurse. My hcg level is 3002.97! Yeah!!!! And the prog. level is 331.8! Such high numbers, I am so thankful!


  1. I know he heard your prayers too!

    I was talking about you today to a friend! She was AMAZED at your story! :) She was like how did you meet this girl! I wanted to say well I haven't actually met her but she has made a huge impact on my life!

    I am waiting for your post tomorrow! xxoo

  2. I can't wait to hear how things went at the appt. and I'm praying that all goes well. Your story definitely gives me hope that my time will come, I just need to trust in Him. I'm amazed at the faith you had throughout this struggle. Thanks be to God that you're on your way.

  3. This is the time to trust that this is all in His hands and His will, will be done! Pray to accept whatever He wills to happen and the courage to accept it! I wanted to rush every doctor appointment and every month and I even wanted to buy my own ultrasound machine to check for myself because waiting for ultrasounds that are so far away make me nervouse I want to see my baby again, know that he/she is still there...
    I pray all goes well for you!!!

  4. I am so glad your appointment went well. My first ultrasound I was about as far along as you are and we didn't see anything. Don't worry though, you have a beaufitul life growing inside you! :)

    I also wanted to say I know exactly how you are feeling about trusting in God. All we can do is what our docotrs recommend and what we feel is best for our babies. The rest is up to God. He'll take care of the rest.

    Also, remember that you ARE worthy of this precious gift! You have been through so much and deserve this blessing! Congratulations again! I'm so excited for you!

  5. Your numbers sound perfect! I am so glad your appointment went well- hoping next u/s is more exciting!

  6. R.U.JOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    OMG! That is ridiculosly insanely crazy! I don't even know what to say! Well, I did say, WTH out loud! HOLY POOPOLA! YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!!!!!!

  7. Fantastic news!! This is funny.. your due date is exactly two months after mine! And I sort of feel like I may go later, just because of how well I know my cycles and the timing of "things." So excited for you!

  8. Thanks for checking on me! ;)

    I actually have absolutely NOTHING to post about! I am speechless! :) I wonder if I am mute & barren! OH NO! hahahaha

    It's funny because my word verification is singful! ;)

  9. Before I leave, I just want to wish you a Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!

    You don't know how it excites me to be able to wish you that! :)


  10. ok. just caught up on the excitement going on in your life. what a miracle and a blessing! so happy for you and your husband.

  11. OMG! Those are fantastic results! Could possibly be twins with a beta that high! You have the same due date as a friend of mine. :) Congratulations! Happy Mothers Day!
