Wednesday, August 19, 2015

A big first



Joseph started his first day of Pre-Kindergarten today!

He was so excited and very happy to be heading to school this morning.  His Momma, on the other hand, had emotions all over the place.  It helped so much that he was thrilled and not sad in any way.  I really do believe he will do well, he sat down with 3-4 other boys his age and began to color before he I left. 

I think what really did me in was that I did not kiss him before I walked out of the classroom.  I can come up with a million reasons why I did not.  Primarily, was because when I was leaving I told him “Bye” and he shot his had up to give me a high five along with a huge smile on his face that conveyed to me “I am here, this is what I have always waited for . . .”  I also did not want to make it harder on him, which was ridiculous because he was not having any problems at all!!!  Or, maybe I just did not want to embarrass him.  No matter what the reasoning was, I have regretted it the whole walk to the car, the whole ride home, and even now while I sit here and type this post.  Nothing will stop me from smothering him in kisses this afternoon when I pick him up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The weather is crazy storming right now and we had to put on raincoats, etc to get to the car, to the school, and to the classroom.  Lightening, thunder, pouring rain.  It was so bad this morning that when we woke Joseph up he said “it is raining outside.”  I told him that when it rains on your first day of school it means lots of blessings are coming down for you.  He grinned and giggled while saying “Wow, Momma, that is A LOT of blessings!!”  Your are right, baby Boy!  For you and for all of your friends!


Jessy was a complete life saver today!  As always, he took care of us in such a loving and kind way before we even had a chance to think of things, he was taking care of it!  He got Joseph and I rain coats, packed Joseph’s lunch, helped me get him dressed, dropped us off in the long circle before the storm swept us away.  When I refer to this morning as pure craziness, I mean this weather was nuts for a first day of school experience,  however, I am grateful we have a vehicle to drive him to school and did not have to wait on a bus, or walk in the rain.  Such blessings, I tell you!  Jessy is so proud of Joseph and thrilled for him that he is excited for school.  Joseph sure loves his DaddyO!!!

Here is a sweet picture of Joseph with his new teacher, Mrs. Webb!


Many prayers for a day full of blessings, joy, fun, and new friendships while learning! 

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