Saturday, December 28, 2013

Christmas Evening Glow

This picture pretty much sums up how we spent the majority of our Christmas Day.  After Matthew headed off to hang out with his Mom and Mitchell, we just kicked back in our pj’s (Joseph in just his diaper & PJ top) and made the day a joyful one by just being home together, no plans, no driving, and no cooking! 


To others this may sound silly, but it was just what we wanted.

We spent Christmas Eve visiting Granny at her house and then had all of the Broussard’s over for gumbo and desserts so Christmas day was just about us being together!

Joseph watched a few too many episodes of Thomas in between playing with all of his new toys!  We ate a few too many snacks, in between being on the floor with Joseph or lounging in the recliner.

Overall, a pretty fantastic day.  I posted all the pictures earlier.  It was a photo overload, but I just love watching him so excited.  Joseph had so much fun with his new remote CAT bulldozer, train set, and magna doodle that he pretty much was in heaven.

This year was one of those rare years when I finally was able to surprise Jessy with his gift.  Joseph went with me to buy it and saw me when I wrapped it, so he almost spilled the beans a million times, including telling Daddy-O “it is BBBBBBIIIIIIGGGGGGEEEERRRR”  Yes, it was a 6’8” Shimano rod and it was HUGE!!!  So much fun to surprise others.  We also blew away Matthew with his new Drake jacket and he was beside himself with pure excitement.  Jessy surprised me with a fabulous gift for with I am very thankful for, I hope I learn to use it well.

Over the course of Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day after I kept feeling like I had walking pneumonia.  Yet, I had no fever, but tons of achiness, etc.  Joseph is still getting over a bug so we failed to make it to mass and it really bothered my spirit.  Jesus and I are in conversation about that one. 

I am just so thankful for my faith, Jesus, and my family!

Merry Christmas friends!

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