Sunday, February 24, 2013

“More Church”


2.19.13 church

I want to write that things at our home have improved and in some ways they have, but there is still many things being worked out and the kinks seem firm sometimes.

Joseph and I spent some time in prayer yesterday at a very beautiful church and while I was barely able to say a single “Hail Mary” my heart found much consolation just being there with Jesus.  Joseph must feel the peace too, because he wanted ‘more Church” too.  I could have spent the entire afternoon there, even with Joseph creeping along the empty pews as I prayed.  The only prayer he knows and can say a few words to is the “Hail Mary”.  I figure that is my prayer of choice with I am feeling like I am lost at sea in this life.  Only Jesus calms the storm, but Momma Mary helps calm my heart in the midst of the storm.

Sometimes we just have to live through the storms, clinging to the trust that Jesus is in the boat with us.  This is the lesson I want all the boys in my home to learn.  I mess up daily, multiple times in fact, but Jesus is always there to welcome me back.

1 comment:

  1. "More church." I love it. You are so right...we mess up every day, every hour, but he's always there to make all things new. :)
