Thursday, September 27, 2012


I am almost ashamed to admit this but we are still weaning Joseph off the bottle. I know most people get rid of the bottle at a year, Joseph always like his bottle and to be honest we don't generally do what everybody else does if it doesn't work for us.

As you all know, in the beginning the bottle was my arch enemy! I wanted with all of my being to nurse him and despite our huge effort he just never latched. When we did surrender to using pumped milk in bottles it was a task to find the right nipples for him. The only one that worked was the playtex drop-ins and easy flow ones. After my supply dwindled to nothing, we used formula. Another big step for this momma. He stayed on formula until about 16 months because he thrived on the stage two stuff and still turned his nose up to regular milk. We kept introducing regular milk to him for months and finally he decided he liked it. So now we were one step closer right?

It still took lots if time. He never, ever liked sippy cups, we went straight to straws and cups, but he would still take a bottle 2-3 times a day, especially if he was sick or teething.
Now we are down to one bottle at bedtime. The best thing a friend told me when I talked to her if my shame of not weaning him earlier was "why are you so worried about, if he was nursed he probably would still be nursing 1-2 times daily for comfort anyway". This brought peace to my battered heart. So tonight, I could've given him his last bottle. It is bittersweet. I love my cuddles that go along with it, but hope that we are doing the right things at the right times. He is an amazing boy, I truly am thankful to God for his great favor in sharing him with us.

He is pure gift.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Oh, that is so tough. I agree with you about not doing what everyone else does if it doesn't work. I am trying to take that approach with C also.
