Grace lives in our hearts.
Everyday is a new adventure and an
opportunity to put aside our selfishness
and embrace sacrifice.
Sometimes the days are just fun & in the
midst of living a life of hope fulfilled one
can almost forget the days of darkness &
death that was necessary for us to
appreciate new life & blessed bright light!
At this stage in my life, I feel almost
alarmingly disconnected from the passion
of Christ.
Even in the midst of my hardest days, I still
feel like I am living on Easter morning
Yet the only way to Easter is through the
Passion, the suffering, the surrender of the
personal will – a necessary death.
Dear God,
thank you for showing us how
to journey from death to life;
thank you for teaching us to be
courageous even in darkness,
loneliness, and final breaths.
Thank you for showing us
that the story doesn’t end
with the cross but with the
stone being rolled away. Amen.
Joseph’s first skinned knee
& there were no tears!
Looking for the 'like' button. Lovely!