Thursday, April 26, 2012

The gift of love goes a long way . . .

Less than a month before my second surgery with Dr. Hilgers, we were celebrating with our dear friends as they were waiting for their first little boy to arrive!  His two big sisters were at home and it just so happened we were in the area the day our friend went into labor with him! 

We were the only two people there in the waiting room, praying for the safe arrival for this little guy!  I cannot say yet that we knew we were going to be his godparents yet, but that did not matter!  We were praying and loving this precious boy all the same! 

This was a big moment for me, I was not jealous or sad that my friend was welcoming this sweet soul, I was just hopeful that one day we might have a little one who just might become his buddy!

So glad I dreamed big because that is exactly what has happened!  This sweet guy is Joseph’s big buddy!  Big buddies do special things and G-Man rose to the occasion in a big way!


Just this week, Joseph received a very special package in the mail from his big buddy, G-Man!

Joseph could not have been more thrilled!  He was more excited than this picture portrays Winking smile  He is not loving the camera these days!  Well, no, he LOVES the camera so much that I can’t get great shots anymore.

"Graham's gifts are the best!"

The special package included a kind note, a dollar, and TWO AWESOME BLUE BATMAN colored pictures!!  Joseph carried those pictures around for the longest time!  Now I can’t wait to bless another child with a surprise gift like this one day!



In other news, Joseph saw the ENT today and I guess it went as well as can be expected.  The best part was that my husband got to be there to listen and help corral Joseph while I signed paperwork.  I think Jessy underestimated the severity of dislike Joseph has for those devices the doctors use to check his ears.  It is gut-wrenching. 

After the review and medical history review, the ENT told us Joseph was a good candidate for getting P.E. Tubes in and I was still not really ready for that.  I know to some it might not seem life a big deal, but it will be the first time my baby has to have a surgery.  A surgery to help him with something I cannot make better for him.  Another issue for me is that they will be using gas to help him be ‘sleeping’ for the surgery and my first vivid memory of my childhood was receiving the gas to have eye surgery.  I remember how scared I was and I wonder how it will be for him. 

We have a week to process it all, get a baseline hearing test done, and just be at peace with it all.  I said I was ready for this, but I was not prepared for our visit today to turn into a pre-op appointment.  They people there were great and reassuring.  I do believe this will help Joseph a great deal and is necessary.  I think he has been dealing with ear problems to long but I just want to trust that this will be it, all will be healed and we can move on from here.

I am hoping for greater comfort for him, better sleep, and less medications!  The only time he sleeps well is when he is on AB’s.  He is now on his fourth type/treatment of AB for the crazy ear infection that started in March and did not go away, ever.  In the past, he only had one other mild ear infection at 6 weeks old.  One thing I learned today is that the only real risk-factors (that were beyond our control) were 1) genetics – Joseph’s two first cousins had to have tubes, 2) Reflux is a contributing factor.  Thankfully, we don’t have to deal with second hand smoke, prematurity, or severe respiratory issues. 

St. Gianna & St. Katharine Drexel, pray for Joseph and all the other children needing ear care and pray for the doctors responding to the great need to help them, especially Dr. Williams.

Surgery date is 5/4/12.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, poor guy. And poor mama. When Mikey was 3 he had his tonsils and adenoids out and the tubes were recommended, but I just couldn't do it. So I understand how scary it is. "cutting" and "ears" just don't go together! But he will be soooo much better with the tubes I bet. Praying for peace for you.
