Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thoughts on leaving . . .and coming Home!!!

For over two weeks I knew that I wanted to attend a friends' 'baby #4' shower with a few friends at a local restaurant. We are all excited about this new miracle joining our friend's family, so I asked my husband a long time ago to be home with Joseph so I could go. It was my first time away from Joseph in over 6 months. I was looking so forward to it. I was thinking this is going to be such a gift!
Well, when it came down to it, I was battling tears just thinking of leaving. I put him to sleep and was just so torn about what to do . . . wake him to take with me or go alone. When I realized how nervous, scared and sad I was to leave him, I realized with great clarity that I had to do it ALONE. I was near tears the whole way there. Then by the grace of God, I started to relax. I listened to the radio and actually heard the words. All the words to a song . . .for some reason that was a big deal to me at the time! And my homecoming was a huge celebration!!!

He would not let me out of his sight when I returned but the truth is that he did remarkably well and we both got things we needed. He got some super fun Daddy time and Mommy got some girl time!


  1. Leaving is usually tough, but the homecomings can be such fun!!

  2. Aw, I can see why it's hard to leave such a sweet little face!!!

  3. You are such a good mommy! :)

    Happy Advent Season!

  4. Way to go! I have a hard time leaving, too, but it is always good in the end, right?
