Sunday, November 27, 2011

A day for thanks!

What a difference this year's thanksgiving celebration has been for our family! Last year was spent crying and my mom was in the hospital. I could barely waddle anymore and I argued with my dear husband over things that were not so important, they just felt really important to a nesting momma! Well this year we woke up to this super snuggly boy!

We watched the Macy's Parade with the two big boys!

We had a super feast!

We just enjoyed being the family that God allowed our family to become and for that, our hearts will be forever thankful!!! Our hearts and home were full this Thanksgiving, praise be to God forever!

And we were super thankful to have Granny visit with us this Thanksgiving! We are so happy that she has recovered so well and is still on the mend, getting better every single day!!!

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