Monday, November 7, 2011

Joseph is up to

no good :)

He is all over the place and for that I am grateful!!

He is finally feeling better. I don't want to jinx myself but he slept through the night the last two nights! The nights before these he was up every hour on the dot. He now has some good antibiotics working to make him all better. We made three trips to the doctor in 12 days along with three finger pricks for blood. Only the last one showed signs of a secondary infection. I love this boy and it was so hard to see him suffering. The crying and temper outbursts are not present right now, I am one happy Mama!!!


  1. I'm so glad he's feeling better. He's really getting into everything, isn't he? But he's so cute doing it! :)

  2. Ha! He is a little wrecking crew! Love it!

  3. Can't believe how big he's getting!

  4. Love (and totally understand) this, glad he is feeling better!
