Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Joseph is 11 months old!!

Sweet Joseph turned 11 months old today! The time is passing so quickly and I am enjoying all the little cuddles he offers these days (he is pretty generous still with the cuddling). He is always on the move, our busy little munchkin! I had to laugh to myself two nights ago when I was folding laundry and his Daddy was trying to watch him and his Daddy could not keep up with him :) Maybe he needs to remind his Daddy that Mommy doesn't sit around eating bon bon's all day, in fact she is lucky if she manages to eat at all!

Joseph is still wild about his Rubber Ducks so I am so glad that will be the theme of his 1st birthday party which we are beginning to prepare for now. He is eating all kinds of new foods, talking up a storm, and learning so much! He still loves his books and has a new favorite called "Bubbles, Bubbles"! It was with this book that I realized that he has been saying "quack, quack, quack" for a long time now when he sees a duck! So much fun now that I know what he is saying!

He is now sleeping through the night, going to sleep around 7:30 pm and waking up at 5 am to eat and will go down again for a few hours. He is still sleeping in our bed because the alternative is just not working for any of us. We will get there, eventually. He is so tall and reaching things that I would never have thought he could reach so keeping a close eye on him is key these days. So glad my little one s feeling so much better. I am thinking he is about 31 1/2 in. and about 23 1/2 pounds, this little one is growing right before my eyes!

Joseph, I pray that I can lead you to always trust God, to change the world, and help you get to heaven! I love you and you will always be my bright sunshine!!!


  1. Wow! I can't believe he's almost 1 already! I smiled when I heard your description of trying to keep up with him. I remember when my youngest brother was that age. My dad used to say that "there's one of him and six of us, and we're outnumbered!"

  2. That picture of you and Joseph is just absolutely precious beyond words!!!

  3. Happy 11 months, Joseph! I love his bright blue eyes! His shirt in the last picture is 100% accurate.....MAJOR CUTIE :)
