Thursday, May 14, 2015

Joseph’s first visit at the dentist’s office.


He did remarkably well.  He showed no fear and had been really looking for a trip to the dentist for months, begging me to take him there, however we have no dental insurance.  I kept putting it off and then trauma happened yesterday which ended up being ok in the end, but it took x-rays to prove to this momma’s heart that all would be ok.

5.14.15 dentist

So the update of his visit, as he would proudly tell anyone, is that “I have NO cavities.  My teeth look great and I did great at the dentist office.  But . . . their toothpaste is NASTY.”  This young lady was so very kind, a gem!  She made him so calm and he listened to everything she said although she could not get him to accept the nasty teeth cleaning paste. 

The dentist was great and told me that Joseph has the mouth/dental makeup of a 6 year old.  That totally makes sense because he is as tall as a six year old.  Sweet boy is already weighing in at 62 lbs. I know because they weighed him today.  Not sure on height.  The dentist said his teeth look great, no cavities, shows signs of good oral hygiene, and can easily loose his teeth now (here and there) because his adult teeth are already well developed and ready.  The loose tooth could stay loose for months or could fall out tomorrow, there should be no discomfort.  A bite of an apple could have caused yesterday’s drama, just as much as that darn lollipop. 

So in the end, I am grateful for my healthy boy, grateful that he did well, grateful that we had the money for today’s visit, grateful for a kind staff & visit, and grateful that I did not allow permanent damage to happen to his little mouth by a simple mistake of letting him eat a lollipop from the barber shop.

He would simply say he is grateful for his new spiderman Kite.  Yeah, really.  They gave him a spiderman kite before leaving, definitely not the same dentist I go to, they just send me a very large bill!


Praise God for such a good day!

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