Friday, October 11, 2013

The good, the bad, and the ugly.....

Potty time has always been pretty relaxed for Joseph. I remember learning early on not to stress about potty training. This was stressed in my child development class and it stuck.
Fast forward 15 years later and we are now utilizing that wisdom. Anytime interest was shown, probably before his 2nd birthday, we would let him sit on the potty (either the frog potty or the big potty with his soft blue seat). In the beginning the sitting only lasted seconds most of the time, now he can sit for a long time as evidenced here below:

We are home alone this weekend, Jessy and Matthew went hunting with pawpaw, so after a really long day with minimal sleep (sickness stinks, so do antibiotics on little bodies) I knew Joseph needed to poop but he did not want to go to the bathroom. I just told him to bring his frog potty to the living room, still wondering if my laziness tonight is going to be my point of no return parenting failure, but it was what I did. He was thrilled and pooped 3 times in the potty. He peed too, so there you go. The medicine is affecting his bowels and he got lots of chances to practice going on the potty today. Lately he has a need to go poop or he can't or won't go to sleep.
As I am typing this he is falling asleep in my arms. Even before this crazy period of him feeling rotten he was doing his big business on the potty for the last 3 weeks. There were only two full blown diaper accidents and they were the day of and day before his doctor appointment this week for his ear concerns.
I am so proud of him. I could not help but capture these moments of him reading ALL OF HIS BOOKS that were nearby as he did his business.
P.s. I really think Joseph's a-ha moment in connecting the desire to poop on the potty from the book "everybody poops". Seriously. There is a book on THAT!

P.s.s. -
I sent a message to Jessy around 11 am this morning saying "Joseph pooped and peed in his frog 4 times already.....and only once did he put his finger in his poop to see if it was "ticky" and once that he spilled his waste all over the bathroom as he took it upon himself to flush the storage part of his frog!! "

Ahhhhh, I would trade these fun, messy days for anything else. Joseph is so easy to love, too."

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