Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pumpkin Patch 2013–A surprise visit!!

We were going to the Craft Fair at my Aunt and Mom’s Church and I was not sure if Joseph would be interested in seeing the pumpkins, but once his eyes saw these orange beauties he was smitten!


We have been reading a lot of library books on pumpkins and Halloween this month in preparation of our first venture out to Trick or Treat this year.  We are excited!


Speaking of pumpkin books, there are two that are really favorites of his and he took to learning all the words very quickly.  Last night he crawled up on my lap and read two of the books nearly word for word to me and it just melted my little heart Smile


These books that are his favorites are Duck and Goose Find A Pumpkin and It’s Pumpkin Day Mouse!!!

duck and goose find a pumpkinits pumpkin day mouse

These are two books that I think will delight every young child.

Here is a snapshot I took while Joseph is proclaiming “It is TOOO heavy for me, Momma!!!” 


Upon arrival at the sweet pumpkin patch, Joseph spotted this wagon and he claimed it throughout his visit!  Thankfully the volunteers were so kind.  This was my first trip to the Patch alone with Joseph and at this stage in his life he is a wild hooligan!!!  I say that with so much love, but sometimes his ears tune me out and it is overwhelmingly embarrassing to try to corral his boundless energy!


Ready to pick out his pumpkins!!


This is one of my favorite shots of the whole afternoon! 


He loves scarecrows!  He is terrified by Rowdy, but LOVES scarecrows, go figure!


This is the point that I have told him 1000+ times NOT to pull on the pumpkins by their stem (the brown thing).


Yes, that is exactly how you are not supposed to do it!


He loved these two pumpkins and each time I snuck them away, he went back and found the exact same two pumpkins!!!! 


Happy, Happy, Happy!


I got him still Smile  It lasted only a second!



Despite his silly expression in the wheelbarrow, he loved it!

I think he wore himself out completely!


In the above photo he was stockpiling his pumpkins on his cart, he counted up to 16 pumpkins, all of which Momma returned back to the crate later!


He told me “Climbing the hill is hard for me!”  There is wisdom in this statement that will follow you on your spiritual journey in the years ahead.  Always know, little one, that you are never alone on the journey though!!!


Here is my absolute favorite picture Smile


Picking flowers and trying to blow away the petals!  Sweet soul!


In order to get him away from the patch, I tried to bribe him with a visit to Granny & Ancy Barbara inside.  That did not work, he said they could come look at pumpkins too!  Next I told him we would go get cookies inside.  We get inside and there are no cookies left over Sad smile  This is his reactions, haha!


He was exhausted, but loved being Ancy Barbara’s little helper!


When we got to the care he told me “Go home Mommy, I sick and tired. . . “ I tried to make a quick run to the grocery store.  When we walked inside, we found some Crazy Daisies and he wanted some.  We ended up picking up some for Granny as an early birthday present and a little set for our home too!  He was so happy.  This gave him enough energy to make a visit to Granny and stay awake for the ride home!  Once we got home, he helped me cut and put the flowers in the vase!  He was so proud!


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