Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What I am thankful for tonight

I am thankful for a sleeping boy who had a great day today!
I am grateful for a kind husband who always puts me and the kids first!
I am grateful for a mother who chose life for me despite the way I was conceived! All this talk about Akin just makes me sick! I feel like I am the one they are referring to as being "disposable". I truly believe Akin chose the wrong words to respond but he had his heart in the Ruhr place! All of these political bigwigs making judgment makes me wonder who
I really want to lead our country! So needless to say , I am grateful that my heart is still beating at 35 years old and that I have a voice to say every child is a gift!

I am thankful that we found the theology of the body for teens to borrow for the big boys, I pray that they their souls are being prepared to be tie real men God has called them to be! I am doing a novena to St Monica for both of them now!
I am grateful for amazing friends who teach me to love others more and love myself the way God loves me!
There is so much to be thankful for, I have found that my heart is really at peace with where we are at this time!
- Posted using BlogPressgh from my iPhone


  1. Beautiful things to be thankful for! I didn't know about your history, but I am so glad that your mother chose life as well!!!

  2. Thank God there are people out there who are choosing life!!! I didn't know your history as well. I think writing a thankful list just uplifts one's spirits.
