Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cow boy

Joseph loves cows! He is not yet thrilled to see horses, only cows!

We live in a very rural area where we see lots of cows on a daily basis and so it was just natural for me to point them out for him on our long commute to town. He does spend his time in the van searching for 'ows' these days and it brings all of joy when we hear his shrieking 'ows, ows, ows'!!

So the other day after taking a quick trip to the library and park we drove around and found some 'ows' to say 'hi' to and to also say 'bye' to because you can't just go looking for cows and be silent!! I love my friendly boy who greets birds, lizards, cats, dogs, and cows with excitement and joy!
It was really funny though that when we got home and began playing in the front yard I had to start chasing him because he began running down our long driveway toward the road hollering 'hi ow!!! Hi ow!!!'
I was totally not getting it! I just kept getting him to hold my hand and when I looked up I realized when drove all around our little community and I forgot we have cows RIGHT ACROSS OUR ROAD IN THE OPEN FIELD! What a fun discovery for Joseph!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I love that kids make things like cows a fun discovery! :)

  2. So sweet to see him learning about his world. :)

  3. So fun! I sing the "Ol' McDonald Had a Farm" song to Elizabeth every day and she always laughs when I make the various sounds of the animals. My parents and I lived on my grandparents farm until I was 5 when we moved 3 miles away and my husband grew up on a farm that is still owned by his parents. So we both seem to have farming and cows and farm animals in our blood! We definitely enjoy being around farms and I hope Elizabeth does too. It is so fun to see their little personalities come out! However, when I saw the title of the post - I thought of the other type of Cowboy...hee, hee! Both are great though!
