Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dear Joseph

Dear Joseph,

On Friday my heart swelled in my chest as I spent some very precious minutes with you in front of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We were able to go to the church where your daddy and I were married and dreamed of the possibility of meeting a little B one day. I held you close and introduced you to St. Therese (whom you admired a great deal) and St. Anthony, and showed you a special Icon of our Blessed Mother (the same one your Daddy and I presented a rose to and prayed for her intercession and to show our great love and devotion on our wedding day) before we made our way to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. I whispered to you softly how thankful we are to our God for the blessing of you into our family and we prayed together for our family (especially Matthew and Mitchell) and friends and Mommy's Prayer buddy). We said a special prayer our friend, Aunt Cat. I also asked God to bless you in your vocation.

It was the highlight of my day, to pray with you. You were so attentive and we had the Cathedral to ourselves. Once we finished praying, a lady came out ready to lock the doors for the day, but I was satisfied to have had those very special moments with you!

You bring me such joy. I love that we can share those special moments together and I am touched that we were able to pray together on the same kneeler that your Daddy and I knelt on during our wedding and when we received our Nuptial blessing. Your Daddy came home that night and even though we had our moments of loud crying spells, Momma not being able to get any housework done because your were clingy . . . all I could tell him was that you and I got to go to the Cathedral and pray. This brought such a huge grin to your Daddy's face, he was positively glowing! Joy! Joy!

I love you Joseph.

Love all-ways :)


P.S. Here are sme pictures of you in our own family 'cathedral'! See, even now Mommy Mary is watching over you!

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