Saturday, August 20, 2011

Football & Hope

Many years ago while strolling down the aisles of Jessy stumbled onto this football on the clearance shelf. While I would dream of and pray for a child while strolling past the cribs and bouncers, my husband would dream when he was in the sporting goods department. Football is what he knows and there on that shelf that blue and black ball restored my husband's hope that he would have a child to throw the football with one day.

This football was always waiting for Joseph even though we did not know him yet! Our prayers were answered, our longing fulfilled, our hope in the flesh.

So in the spirit of the upcoming football season, Joseph and I played outside trying to capture some special pictures for Daddy!

While the football stills seems so large next to him, I know it will not be this way for long. I know that one day I will treasure these pictures even more than I do today because his hands will grow big enough for him to hold the ball all by himself.

These moments of just letting the blessings from heaven take my breathe away are priceless. My cup runneth over.

A little football represented our hearts filled with BIG hope!

Thank you God for hearing our cry and answering our prayers.

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