Saturday, September 19, 2015

My boy, I love you to the moon & back!


Dear Joseph,

I just wanted to take this time to remind you how much I love you!  You, your DaddyO, and I have been through so many ups and downs lately but the one thing we know that we can rely on is one another.  Your presence in our family is and always be a reason for us to celebrate and rejoice in God’s goodness in answering our prayer for a child to know, love, and lead to heaven.  As I look as the picture below, I realize that no matter where we are at our stage in life, you will always be my baby and that Momma Bear will always be there to protect you and always believe the very best for you and with you!  You are going to move mountains, my boy.  You are going to bring joy and light to many, but in the meantime we want to focus on pouring love and light into your soul each day!


Recently, you began to go to school.  You started pre-k at our local school and that was just not a good fit for you, so we tried hard to find a place that would love and nurture you and your spirit when Mommy was not there to be with you.  We really wanted you to go to school to make friends, learn new things, and enjoy the world around you.  You seem to have a nice teacher and we are praying that we always can trust you in their care.  This has been a huge change for the two of us.  Mommy has been working part time to help our family out financially, but as much as you miss me, I miss you!  We have spent the last 4 1/2 years with each other every day.  Thankfully at your new school, you are going just half days, so it seems to work better for us.  I truly hope that this opportunity to go to school and learn with friends your age is a blessing to your life.  I hope that it is a way that God can bring forth graces in your life and help you to know that you are a loved & valued Child of God.  Your Daddy and I tell you all the time that God loves you even more than Mommy and Daddy.  I want you to always know that you can always go to God, Jesus, and Momma Mary!  Ask the Saints to intercede for you and your needs, you will never be able to trust anyone more, all it takes is a heart reaching out to God to know that you will be ok.


Sometimes it has been really hard trusting someone else to care for you and make sure that you are safe and growing in grace.  You might have cried some going to school, but  I can almost guarantee that I have cried so much more.  Often, right at the feet of Jesus, simply because I would have rather stayed right next to you forever, but you were not created and shared with us for me to keep you from the world, but for us to prepare you for it.  You going to school is one of the first parts of getting used to that big world out there.  Hope.  Hope is what anchors my heart while I put my trust in God that I am doing the best with what I have RIGHT NOW.  There has not been an easy day yet, but the last few days at your new school, it seems that there is so much more peace that there have been no temper tantrums, crying, or disagreements.  You are learning how to be a friend, how to use your hands for good, and how to treat others as you wish to be treated.  Each day will be better, I hope.


After your third day of school at the new school, we went to the Fire Truck Park (that is what you called it, it is really the Locke Park) and you had so much fun making friends.  You showed Mommy how good you are at making new friends and treating them well.  Granny came and hung out with us and we had so much fun even though we were feeling the heat, ran out of water, and felt like we were baking in the sun!  I ran and bought water & ice and you shared with your friends.  You got extra worn out from the sun and we headed home after you had Momma push you on the swing for at least 20 minutes!


Speaking of swinging, that is a really new thing that you have been enjoying!  There we always times you will sit with Momma or Daddy while swinging for a few minutes at at time, but you have just this week started swinging on the swings BY YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!  You were/are so very proud of yourself!  It was incredible to see you have fun and show no fear while being pushed by DaddyO on Tuesday of this week!  It was almost like a glimpse of a miracle to see you enjoy it!  Just the day before you started your first day of Occupational Therapy with Ms. Mika Doucet at Hope Therapy.  You really enjoy working with her and even though I have tried the exercise with you, you do not like working with on them with Momma!   You do love the brushing, though! 



Look at you go, just a week or so ago, you refused to do this Winking smile








There is so much I want to say, but I love you sums it up!  Joseph, your Daddy & I will always love you, to the Moon & back.  You will always be loved and you will always be our treasure and we are so glad to teach you that God loves you even more than us!!!




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