Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear Joseph

Dear Joseph,
As always, after a big birthday celebration you passed out in my arms.  Tonight we did not read the typical stories we noally read together, but you fell asleep watching your favorite show of all time "might machines!"

It just so happened to come back in Netflix and you were thrilled.  Thrilled was the word of the day.  Everything about your big day thrilled you!  Singing, unwrapping presents, blowing out the candles, riding your new refurbished bucking gator :))
You had so many people here to celebrate with you - mommy, daddy, Matthew, Momo, Granny, Aunt Tiffany, Gauge, Aunt Laurie, Uncle Lonnie, Zaleigh, Uncle DJ, Devan, Ancy Barbara, Aunt Michelle, Aunt Shane, David, and Ty.  It is so much fun to celebrate you and the gift God crated in you.  Everyday, Mommy & Daddy are trying very hard to help grow in goodness to share with the world the light of Christ.  It is only natural that your birthday be close to Jesus' birthday, you both bring light to the world!  I hope you can always be generous, kind, loving, friendly, neighborly, affectionate, honorable, and firm in your belief that you were created in God's image.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made!  We prayed for you, God helped us to create you and He breathed life into you!  You will be forever blessed, you are under his mantle of protection, he has commissioned angels to guard and protect you.  
Never forget that you are loved.  Loved with an ever-lasting love!  A love that know no limits.  God loves you more than Mommy or Daddy ever could, even though we try to imitate his perfect love.  As you grow, my prayer for you is to always find joy.  An everlasting, contagious joy - a gaudete joy (rejoice). I want that joy to be the foundation on how you live your life everyday.  Joy is finding the good in your God, yourself, and others.
J= Jesus
O = others
Y= yourself
You can do this, you will change the world one soul at a time!

I love you and I am always so thankful that Gid shared you with out family and I am
Honored to be your mommy!

Love you beyond all-ways,

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