Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Life ~ Gotta Love It!

Today was a great, but long day! I was able to spend the day with my sister-in-law as she prepared to deliver her firstborn. They did have to induce because she was due last week, so they started to give her a drip at 12 am today! The doctor broke her water at 7:40 am and she wanted to go all natural (I am not sure I would be so strong) so she continued to push only to get to 5 cm by 5 pm! Poor girl, she was giving her all! They finally decided to do a c-section at 7:30 pm! Thank goodness, because he was awkwardly positioned and he would not have been able to make out of the birth canal very safely, if ever! I am so glad to say that his mommy and he are doing great!

Now, five years ago, I would never have been able to stay in the hospital room without crying for the pain I was experiencing in not being the one able to give birth to my own child. I believe that it is surely by the grace of God that my heart has healed and I am able to be so joyful to share in the joy of others as they celebrate new life. God has truly delivered me to a better place. I felt so honored to be a part of their miracle! It was a great gift that they gave to me!

One other benefit of this experience was that I knew that if I could see how great my sister-in -law managed her pain, it would give me courage to know that I could do the same one day if God so willed it! Ever since my last surgery and knowing that we we might actually have a chance to conceive, I have gotten more nervous about the whole actually being pregnant and giving birth part of becoming a mother! I have spent the last five years preparing my heart and soul for adoption! I love the nature of adoption and all of the pure giftedness of the miracle of adoption! I didn't really think of it as a plan B, but as the way that God would will our family to grow! We had the opportunity to adopt, but it was a very unusual adoption and my husband never had God's peace about that particular adoption as we prayed and discerned God's will in it all. We struggled a great deal at that time and with great love, God blessed our marriage through our struggle! Anyway to make a long story a little shorter, it was after great prayer and surrender to God's will that I was able to fully rely on God to fulfill all of the desires of my heart! I kept praying that if God did not will for my husband and I to adopt that he would remove this passionate desire from my heart!

And what is God good for? Answering prayers!!!! He answered my prayers in slowing helping me to not be so focused on only adoption. I remember when we were discerning as to whether or not to pursue treatment with Dr. Hilgers and finding out the costs of everything, I remember telling my husband that we could just save all to the money we would spend on treatment to put toward our adoption, but he, in his wisdom, gently reminded that no matter if we chose to adopt or were blessed with a child through natural conception, I needed to be in the best health to be the best Mom I was meant to be! I begrudgingly agreed. I knew I wanted to be well, but I was so tired and afraid to pursue a possible deadend, that I fully relied of God to bless our journey because my hopeful heart was cautious!

When I brought this to prayer, God revealed to me that they were little souls patiently waiting for us! Waiting for us to be ready, even as we were ready for them to join us in this life! God's answer was clear to me that I am still in awe that he would have such great plans for my husband and I! I am still so hopeful and thankful that God desires to bless me in the way he sees fit!

By the way, in relation to the question regarding my job, I work at a Retreat Center. I used to do a lot of volunteer work in retreats for high school students and students at our local university! I loved being a part of directing and facilitating retreats for young adults, but life changes and now I really feel called to share with women in my community that they do not have to suffer alone with not knowing how to care for their fertility or who may be struggling with infertility! Fortunately, God has really given me an opportunity to share my experience with others at my job! It is amazing who God sends through my office door and how they all feel so free to share their struggles. I just want to be a source of hope for them and sometimes, it only takes a smile and a listening ear! Now that I am not so ashamed of the cross God has given me to bear and I am able to share it with others, I am finding there are so many young women who are suffering as I suffered. I am able to let them know that they do not have to live this way and most importantly, there is no shame it struggling with fertility concerns! Thank goodness for people who are able to fully live out their vocation!!! May I learn to do the same . . . with a heart full of gratitude!

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful! I too feel like I am in a different place. Healing from my impatience if that makes sense. Not taking every little set back personally and just going with it. Thanks for you sweet comments!
