Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ever Hopeful

I am new to blogging, but have found so much great insights by reading some of the blogs that are related to my struggle with infertility! The reason I started a blog is so that I can make comments on some of the other great blogs I have found encouraging! God Bless you all!

I am so blessed to have my Catholic faith to encourage me and keep me in safe zones in seeking treatment for all of my physical concerns! Who would have known that my path would cross with an amazing woman who was an Instructor for the Creighton Method and who knew Dr. Thomas Hilgers at the Pope Paul VI Institute.

To make a long story short, my husband and I were married in July 2000 and we eagerly anticipated starting a family! We had no intention of avoiding pregnancy! It was always my fear that I would have trouble conceiving one day, so we were fully open to new life from the beginning of our marriage. In September 2000, I began to have unusual spotting, so I called my doctor and he wanted me to come in immediately. I had already taken a home pregnancy test, which was negative. I did not think he suspected that I would be pregnant. Well, I was pregnant! I was so happy, but also nervous b/c of the light spotting and I was afraid that I would miscarry. My husband and I had a joyful, but cautious weekend and I returned to the doctor on the following monday. It was then that the blood test revealed that I was miscarrying our first child. I was devasted and my sad mood lasted a long time. I am glad to say that I grieved the loss of our child for a significant amount of time but none of it was wasted time. With the help of my faith, my husband, friends, and family, healing did come, emotionally, at least.

My body never seemed to heal physically, though. I continued to have female reproductive health problems. Over the last eight years, we have seen many doctors in many cities across America. It has only been in the last year that we have found the hope that we were desperately seeking. We were referred to Dr. Hilgers and he accepted me as a patient. He has been able to diagnose me with Insulin Resistance, Thyroid System Dysfunction, PCOS, Endometriosis, and adhesions to my ovaries. In September, I had surgery to correct all of of these concerns! I will continue to take my Glucophage and T3 and so far, I am having favorable results. Dr. Hilgers seems to believe that we have a 90% chance to conceive naturally within 12-18 months! We are very thankful to God that He has been so good to us! Don't get me wrong, I have spent many days being sad, but my days are getting brighter!


  1. Wow! That's awesome! 90% is amazing (he told me I had a 50-60% chance, but that was before I was diagnosed with PCOS, and before I treated it). I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. And I, too, always knew I'd end up dealing with infertility, and I've heard others say that too. Isn't that odd? Well I can't wait to read more of your story!

    By the way, do you put on retreats, or work at a retreat center? My last job was at a Catholic retreat center.

  2. OH MY GOSH!!!! How crazy that Creighton is bringing us all together!!!! I LOVE IT! 90% chance of conceiving!!! It gives me goosebumps I am so excited for you!!

    Thanks for stopping by! I have my Creighton Doctors appointment today!!!! SO EXCITED!!

  3. Thanks for all the encouragment! I am suprised that after all of these years, I am thankful for the possibility of new life joining our family!
