Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Birthday Daddy-O!!!


It is always so much fun to celebrate my Honeypot’s birthday!  As I just wrote that last line, I remember that the only two nicknames I have given him in the last 15 years are honeypot and sugarlump.  I think both of those sweet titles perfectly describe him.  He really is the most loving, kind man I have ever known and I am lucky enough to be his wife!

Jessy is really not a huge fan of big cakes or being in the center of attention so I think this year was likely his favorite birthday that we have celebrated together!  We stayed home, made a simple new year dinner (it was simple, but DELICIOUS), made a homemade ice cream cake, per his request, and played with Joseph and Matthew!


Jessy refused to let me buy fancy stuff to decorate his cake, so I used what I had on hand and with Joseph’s help, this was the finished!  Thank goodness it tasted a thousand percent better than it looked!


These pictures will win us no awards, but these are the memories I want to keep close to my heart.



I love this picture of Jessy giving Joseph a bite, he thinks it tastes better if his Daddy was feeding it to him Smile


And for party games, well, silly string of course!


We played with those two little bottles of string for an hour and we mostly just enjoyed the giggles of Joseph as he was amazed by the silliness of such fun!




Here he is giggling and his face was turning red he was giggling so hard!  There is nothing as healing to hearts than listening to the innocent laughter of your precious child.


The only thing he did not like about the silly string was the thought of having it on him.  Look at this face!!!!!




Jessy, if you ever read this, always know you are so loved and I love to celebrate YOU!  Your love has brought me so much joy, your simple way of being exactly what God wants you to be is an inspiration to me, and your gentleness of spirit has healed my heart in so many ways that I never knew would have needed healing.  Your faith is such a gift to our family and I am so grateful that I have been able to love you and I long to celebrate you all the days of our life together.  I love you!  Your Sugarlump!

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