Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I am still alive . . .

Just after I wrote the post "Still 34!" I rolled over and went to sleep. For the next two hours, I tossed and then fell into a deep sleep only to wake up shortly after that to a very unhappy baby who was running a 102 fever. Poor babe! I got the fever down, but really never slept much after that. I whispered to him that I would love for him not to follow after me in getting sick on MY birthday, but even if he was going to be sick, it was the best birthday still being able to be his Mommy caring for HIM. So we spent the morning at the doctors and was told that he had a bad viral infection (thank you Chuck E. Cheese birthday party) and that we would just have to wait it out. He was not really coughing, having difficulty breathing, and there were no appetite changes except for his new thing of not wanting to accept the spoon from me too often so I did not stress myself out about it. I was the one really getting sick. Two days later, I could not stop coughing and sneezing, had a sore throat, etc. So my husband in his I can't have my wife sick woke me up early on Saturday morning and took me to the doctor (an Urgent Care place) and I got two very painful shots in my hips and two strong prescriptions. I think that it would have passed on its own, but with the baby, I can't expose him to too much junk! After the long wait and shots, I find my way back to the car, where Joseph, Jessy, Matthew, and Mitchell are so very desperate to see me! Turns out my husband said those two hours (I was only in there for 1 1/2 hours - haha - only) were the worst two hours of his life because Joseph was not consoled by any of them for a very long time and they drove in circles until I got out. So needless to say, my birthday week was not the most ideal. I will always remember it though. I did not get a cake, but at my own insistance, made my own sugar cookies to go along with our homemade hamburgers my husband made the day of my birthday and I got a really cool birthday gift - a toaster oven. I have been wanting one and I love it!!! I am trying so hard to phase out the darn microwave - ugh!!! I keep thinking that each small step I take in caring for our health will be one step closer to a healthy family! Now to only get rid of my coca-cola addiction!! I am still moaning the fact that I did not get a birthday cake. I keep thinking my husband will suprise me, but it has not happened. I know if I would have been well and got to go to lunch with my mom like we hoped to do, then there would have been a cake or something to celebrate, I need candles people! I did put a candle on my sugar cookie and it was a baby bottle candle, can anyone guess what I wished for as I blew it out? I know that I don't have a lot of readers anymore, but when do you give up the 'birthday cake'? Am I just being whiny? It is not so much about the cake, as the celebration, the love it takes to plan it, etc. I always make Jessy a birthday cake, always!! As well as for the boys and the truth of the matter is that no matter what age any of them are, they will always have a cake, either homemade or specially created by some other fabulous cook ;)


  1. :( Sorry to hear you guys have been sick! Feel better soon.

  2. I think with all those boys that you,like me, are going to have bdays with no cake here and there! I feel your pain! We need some girls!
