Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Today, Joseph and I were chatting and he told me he wants Daisy to live with him forever.  I asked him if she would go live with him at his house when he is bigger?  He said "yes.  With you too!"  I said "oh, you want mom to live with you?" To which he replied "yeah, my mom."  In return I said "well, are you gonna have a wife and kids?"  "Yeah, mom."  He replies.  I then say "oh, you will have a wife, then."  His next relply was "yeah, Mom, you!" Oh, that sweet little heart.

I had heard before of little boys wanting to marry their mommas when they get bigger or little girls wanting to marry their daddy when they got older so I thought this was sweet, but it will be a sad day when momma is not the center of his world anymore.  He is growing up so fast, my heart cannot keep up that kind of pace!
Today. Joseph and I went to daily mas at the church Jessy and I were married in.  I told this to Joseph, but had no clue he was paying attention.  So I was clearly surprised when during supper tonight, Joseph excitedly tells his Daddyo that "we went to the church you and momma got married!!!"  Loce that enthusiasm.  A sacred moment during my prayer there was having my hand around him to quiet him and reflecting how it was in this very church some of my first prayers for him (and all our chuldren) were said in my heart and by the priest and those gathered with us in that sacred, grace filled day!!!

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