It was a crazy & fun day for fishing! Joseph saw an alligator who was spying on us just a few short feet away. Thank goodness for Jessy spotting it. I just might’ve missed it. Yikes!
Joseph loved being out “near the river” trying to catch fish. He was quite dangerous with his pole and we eventually took off the hook and let him just practice casting his reel. He did really well. The fish were not biting though, not at all. So we just really enjoyed a simple day in a beautiful area.
On our way out of the Refugee, Joseph (completely unprompted) told Jessy “Thank you DaddyO for bringing us here to see the alligator and the river. Thank you for teaching us how Not to catch fish.” So ridiculously funny, I do believe that will be our little family joke for many, many years! Picture overload coming up!